Gain a fresh perspective, redefine your course, and breathe new life into your church or organization.

For churches and faith-based organisations which have become stuck or wish to tackle change.

How can we help?

Just as peering through a telescope unveils a world that draws closer, with dimensions and distances transforming right before your eyes, your church or organization can also benefit from a revitalized outlook. Embrace the power of a fresh perspective and invite a new set of eyes help you discern a way forward. Could this story hold a profound truth for your church, network, or organisation? Don’t let uncertainty hold you captive any longer.

Gain fresh insight

Do you know the story of the group lost in the jungle? Steadily they try and hack their way through the undergrowth. All are tired, exhausted. One member of the group, the oldest, urges them to pause, climbs the tree, and looking out sees where the group are. Shouting down this pioneer yells, ‘ we are going in the wrong direction; we need to head 90 degrees to the left’.
Might that be true for your church, network, or organisation?

Become mission effective

With over 45 years of experience, I have served churches of various sizes, skilfully led a national Christian charity through transformative change, and established vibrant social enterprises. Importantly, I have learnt how to fail, recover from failure, and create mission effective churches and organisations, and can share this with you.

A clear path ahead

Invite me to help you see your organisation or church as you have not seen it before, agree objectives, devise a realistic programme of change, and accompany you as you implement it.

How does it work?

  1. You contact me. I’ll tell you if I think this is for me. I don’t want to waste your time or mine. I signpost you on to someone else, turn down the offer, or embrace the opportunity.
    2. I make an initial visit. Produce an action plan.
    3. You accept, reject, or refine that plan.

Your consultant

Jonathan Martin

Over 40 years I have worked with and supported churches, Christian and other organisations in Europe, USA, and the UK. With two relevant degrees, massive experience, training in church consultancy and intentional interim ministry I am uniquely placed to help you guide your organisation to be the very best it can be, mission ready, and mission effective.

Ready to breakthrough?